Thursday, December 24, 2009

Okay so this girl?

is so confusing. Let me tell you the story.. Okay, so about a month and a half ago, her first love broke up with her after a 2 year relationship. About a week after that I started talking to her. Then we went on dates and kissed. Then I asked her out and she said shes not ready. Then we stoped kissing for a week and just stayed friends. Then she kissed me again we even made out. then a week later she said she wants to be freinds and stay single for a while. Somestimes she says she likes me and sometimes she says she wants nothing with me...but how come we always talk on the phone and hang out 24/7? We talk like we are dating.. but the thing that pisses me off the most is she myspaces other guys and flirts with them and stuff.. i dont know if shes trying to make me jealous or not but its makign me jealous. She also gave me her myspace account info too so she knows i read the messages...

can you tell me waht the hell is going on... I really care about this girl, I like her alot!

Okay so this girl?

She needs more time to get over her previous relationship. If you rush into something new with her, she won't have time to process her breakup. She's probably still dealing with a lot of feelings about her Ex. Let her myspace other guys. She needs time to get used to being herself and not in a relationship for a while.

Offer to be her friend, but tell her you don't want anything more until she feels she's ready. She'll respect you and like you even more for that.

Okay so this girl?

don't be the rebound guy

Okay so this girl?

she's a flirt. seems like a hoe. she seems like the type of person who just goes around kissing guys, talking to guys, not stability. find another girl. she will break your heart. she doesn't take you serious. she doesn't take herself serious.

Okay so this girl?

shes trying to get your attention. stop paying attention, find some other girls. flirt around. shell get really jelous.

Okay so this girl?

i believe she is testing you, because she wants to see if you are like her ex, she wants freedom but sumone on the side also. play hard to get for a lil and see how she is then, if she doesnt change then move on

Okay so this girl?

Not worth the time and confusion. Either she's going to kiss you and be your girlfriend or you can let her kiss you and just be friends without the need to be hers for any length of time. She's obviously not into you the way you are about her.

Okay so this girl?

she's just not that into you.

Okay so this girl?

I think she's confused and her not being sure if she wants another relationship is because after having just been hurt, she doesn't want to get hurt again right away.

Anyway, the average, I've heard, is about 6 weeks or so before a person heals from this sort of incident.

Okay so this girl?

tell her how you feel again and say that you need to know where she stands on the issue and confront her about the flirting with other guys

Okay so this girl?

she does like you, problem is she cant get her ex out of her mind...she wants to be with you, but theres times when she realizes shes still not over him... just give her some more time to figure things out in her head...your first love lasts a long time to get over... mine took like 5 months to get over and when i did try and go out with another guy when i wasnt ready it just ruined the relationship and the for myspace i have no idea but

dont rush her

Okay so this girl?

Haha, in this case, she may just be testing you. Sure she's gotten on and off about wanting to be with you, but she really justs wants you to chase her. The myspace problem? She wants to test your anger and if you can control it. TALK to her about it. She wants to see if you would just spaz out at her about flirting with other guys or not. Don't get mad and yell at her, tell her how you feel about her flirting with other guys. Tell her how you feel about HER. Be honest man. Tell her how you and maybe that'll be the final test and she'll want to be with you.

Okay so this girl?

sounds to me like she is playin games. lay it all out and if she is still being dramatic and indecisive, u need to let her have her space and just be a good friend. play a little hard to get and eventually she will be urs. good luck.

Okay so this girl?

shes not ready to be in another commited relationship so soon, even though she likes you. shes confused about how she feels, and doesnt want to get hurt again. just give her time, and let her know how you feel.

Okay so this girl?

She's using you. The only thing you can do now is use her back and expect her to get all mad at you for using her. lol

If you don't like being used she isn't worth your time.

Girls like these are crazy, but producible if you know how to work it.

Okay so this girl?

Personally I think she is testing you!!!Thats why i would give my myspace info to my boyfriend. She wants to know if you care about her enough to tell the guys to stop flirting with her cuz she is your girl and if you care about her enough to tell her to stop flirting with other guys..At least thats my opinion...

Okay so this girl?

Um sunny boy, the strait and simple. Shes using you. Yes, she is trying to make you jealous, shes playing a very mean game of tease the boy and probably going to blow you off publically the first chance she gets, just so she can look like the victime and mabey get a guy she has an eye for (which isnt you) wh may even be her ex. Sorry, you sound like a god guy. You will definatly find some one better.

Okay so this girl?

I think she's just really confused about what she wants right now. She probably still feels like her heart is broken from the last relationship and doesn't understand what a good thing she has with you. If she's flirting with other guys, that's her choice, but don't wait around for her if she doesn't care as much about you as you do about her. Don't shut her out of the picture or anything, but don't feel yourself limited from pursuing other girls. If she wants to be with you, then yay! You can be happy. But, please, don't let her keep you from being in a good relationship.

All the best, and good luck!!!


Okay so this girl?

i'm that girl. not literally. me and my first serious bf just split. i can totally see where she is coming from, especially if the break up was painful. i wouldn't want to rush into something else, no matter how good it seems. she just saw how something that was obviously good enough to last 2 years can go wrong and end. i WOULD, however, love to find a nice boy to keep me company, make me feel desirable and take my mind of the break-up. not to say she is using you, she might really like you! just saying it's understandable she wouldn't want to rush into a new commitment. i would suggest you don't become to pushy. give her space or you might lose an opportunity that could work out in the long run.

Okay so this girl?

this girl is trying to use you as a rebound and probably doesnt know you really like her i think you need to sit down and ask her once and for all if she wants to date you or not dont let her push you around in the relasionship with this freins kissing on and off crap tell you want an answer now and that she shud choose be blunt and dont leave without an answer tell her how you feel

Okay so this girl?

Uuugh! Okay, even *I* don't understand women sometimes. She doesn't sound like she's worth it buddy. I mean, there's probably some big girly explaination about *feeeelings* but I have no idea what it is. Good luck, find a better girl.

Okay so this girl?

That's what love is.. confusing.

Okay so this girl?

Let me tell know women have a "cycle", right?

I'm one and I can tell you what goes thru my head. Think a guys cute- he pays attention to you- you know he likes you- you like him, too and kisses!! Oh! she loved them but at weak times might still think about her ex. She might even get into her head, can she see herself with YOU in two years...mmmm maybe not. Then, she backs off.

She loves your attention and the fact that you are cute and she like ya, but....she's not wanting to get fenced in.

She flirts on my space not to make you mad, but to practice her long awaited freedom. Keep being her might get some more kisses. Don't let your heart be broken over her, the less you make of her the more she will want you.

Written expressly FOR YOU BY A FEMALE THAT'S MARRIED BUT STILL HAS EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay so this girl?

Shes probrably confused. Most girls i've met are like that. The last girl I went out with was like that. We started dating, We made out then she says that she just wants to be friends and then she want to start dating again. After 2 months things just got too complicated and we broke up. later i found out that she was already dating 2 other guys when we were going out. I would be careful she might be going out with another guy and can't choose between you or them.

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