Monday, November 30, 2009

If you told a girl you liked her?!!?

If I told this girl that I've never really talked to in school that I likked her over Myspace, then am I doomed in her "playing" me forever? I know she doesn't like me, but can she still be playing me? It seems like she is. I text her sometimes we have about 10 texts and then she leaves me hanging when I give her a question. Yet, when we talk in person we're so cool. Is it possible she's just fu**ing with me? Did I scare her off?

If you told a girl you liked her?!!?

i would say leave her hanging like she does you. dont let her know you like her so much that you are hanging by your phone for her every next move. give her a spoonful of her own medicine. if you are waiting at her feet for her to tell you she likes you, its probably not ever going to happen. girls like that chase, its the funnest part in getting a guy. she doesnt want a guy who is throwing himself towards her all the time. she wants to play the game too, i think this is why she is going about the situation like she is. just stand back a little and let her try to win you over. you have to play a little hard to get. and if she never comes around, the fck her. she is probably just a *****. there is someone else who is going to love you more, and if you have to wait for her, she will probably make you happier than this girl ever possibly could. when you find that person its so worth it. dont chase love, let it find itself. thats why its called falling for someone, it happens on accident. you would never "fall" down a flight of stairs on purpose would you?

If you told a girl you liked her?!!?

No, but maybe she isn't interested??

If you told a girl you liked her?!!?

let her come to you. stand your ground and don't let her play you.

If you told a girl you liked her?!!?

shes playing you but play her back

If you told a girl you liked her?!!?

It's possible that she talks to you when she's bored or for pure entertainment, girls are cruel like that! But she can also be busy when she's doesn't answer back orrrrrrr you can be asking her a question she feels uncomfortable answering!

If you told a girl you liked her?!!?

Yes she is playing you, no she isnt, yes she is. I guess without knowing her there is just no way for me to tell.

If you told a girl you liked her?!!?

Advice from someone slightly older - drop the text and the emails and myspace, and call her up, or go talk to her personally. You will NEVER get a feel for what either of you are actually meaning over text when the conversation is like 'Hi m8 wens u over my waa nxt, gr8 2 c u 2 morrow' as it means **** all..

She will be blown away if you just have the balls to rock up and ask her out. Plus she says yes, you win, she says no, you know where you stand

Good luck

If you told a girl you liked her?!!?

find a new girl.

If you told a girl you liked her?!!?

sometimes when a girl knows u like her but she doesn't want u she will toy with your mind if i were u i'd start focusing on the next crush before she decides to embarrass u in public that would suck if u got a bad reputation all because u like a girl!!!!

If you told a girl you liked her?!!?

Okay...well this has happened to me. Exact same thing--me the girl. I'm actually nice...but I everyone thought I was a snob in school. But I'll just tell you the it or not.

This girl is using you at her own convenience--for her own flattery.

What I suggest you like her...but don't 'try' so hard. Back off a little bit. I know you dont want to..but its for the best. Give her a taste of what it's like. But don't give her the satisfaction of letting her know that you really want her. Trust'll make her like you more.

If you told a girl you liked her?!!?

no your not she's just one of them ppl

If you told a girl you liked her?!!?

way are you wasting your time? you said yourself you know she doesn't like you. if you know she doesn't like you then why put yourself out there like that? if you do leave a message for her like that then yes, you can be giving her the power to "play" you. she could leave your comment out there for all to see, which wiuld be really mean, and still not like you the way you want her to. and why would you like someone who would do that to you anyway? keep her as a friend if you can and but move on. find someone that can return your feelings. when you do, you'll fell secure when you tell them you like them on their myspace page. lots of luck.

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